Highly innovative, stemless and highly flexible camming devices from Spain with very narrow head widths. Seven sizes.
Four individually loaded cam lobes obtain the best grip in every placement. The new patented "Direct Loading Camming Device" system applies a perfectly equalized load directly onto each lobe, eliminating the risk of inactive lobes and therefore any outbalanced forces that might compromise cam placement stability.
For aid climbing, the devices are loadable on just two lobes to exploit shallow or flared cracks where one or two outer lobes cannot establish rock contact. To load just two lobes, connect a karabiner at a point where the sling is supported. This method should not be used when leading above the gear as it reduces its stability and halves its strength.
Greater maximum downward flare angle. They have a theoretical downward maximum flaring angle of 40.7º. As flaring angle increases, the equivalent cam angle of Totem Cam increases from about 13º (for parallel cracks) to 20.35º for 40.7º flared crack. However, such placements should be avoided if possible because the force exerted on cam components and the rock is greatly increased, which could lead to rock/cam failure or simply a small slide which leads to instantaneous pop out.
Diagonal micro-teeth on the cam lobes' friction surface provide an additional grip and do not affect the logarithmic shape, unlike where standard steep straight teeth are used, so constant holding power and cam placement setting are not compromised.
The trigger wire cables are directly attached to cam lobes giving a strong and durable device that is extremely flexible and very smooth to operate.
NB - Totem Cams do not have passive strength, ie they cannot be placed as nuts, and they need to be placed with the cams mid-open/closed for full strength.
There is an excellent review of Totem Cams on Andy Kirkpatrick's website.
Totem Cams are CE certified by Cete Apave Sudeurope (Notified body number 0082).